2nd Re-Draw Date and Results Mrg World Ultimus Sector 90 Gurgaon 14th December 2020

2nd Re-Draw Date Mrg World Ultimus 14th December 2020
The allotment of flats will be done by lucky draw system in the presence of DTCP Haryana. Draw Date and Draw Result of Mrg World Ultimus Affordable Housing Sector 90 Gurgaon will be announced by Town & Country Planning Haryana. Draw result date 14th December 2020, Monday at 4.30 PM in Le Méridien Gurgaon, Sector 26 M.G. Road, Gurgaon – Delhi Expy, Border, Gurugram, Haryana 122002.Guidelines the draw will be held in the presence of max. 50 person at site and remaining applicants can participate in the draw online through YouTube link: