Amendment in the Affordable Housing Policy-2013 dated 19th August, 2013.

Reference : In continuation of Affordable Housing Policy 2013 issued vide notification no. PF-27/48921 dated 19.08.2013 and subsequent amendments issued vide Memo No. PF/27/2015/Secy/211 dated: 22.07.2015, Memo No. PF/27/2015/Secy/PA/DGTCP/239 dated: 23.10.2015, Memo No. PF- 27/2017/8/26/2017-2 TCP dated 10.10.2017, Memo No. Misc-2307/8/26/2017-2TCP dated 09.07.2018,Memo No.PF/27/2018/27704 dated: 26.09.2018, Notification No. PF-27/15922 dated 05.07.2019 and the decision of Council of Ministers in its meeting dated 23.12.2020, received vide Secretary, Council of Ministers, Haryana U.O No. 9/199/2020-2 Cabinet dated 23.12.2020.

The Governor of Haryana is pleased to amend the Affordable Housing Policy 2013 dated 19.08.2013, as amended from time-to-time, referred above, under the provisions of Section 9-A of the Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975 and any other corresponding statute governing development of affordable group housing colonies on the subject.

  1. The clause no. 3 (Minimum and Maximum Area of Projects) of the Affordable Housing Policy- 2013 dated 08.2013, shall be substituted with the following:-

“ 3. Minimum and Maximum Area of Project and provision of community sites:

  1. The minimum and maximum area for such projects shall be 4 acres and 30 acres respectively irrespective of the Development Plan where such project is proposed:

Provided that, after exhaustion of at least 25 acres of the Net Planned Area in any sector,

  1. licence application for minimum 2 acre area shall also be considered;
  2. In such case, when applications for area exceeding the available area beyond 25 acres in a given sector are received, the successful application shall be decided through draw of lots;
  3. the minimum area norm for community site shall continue to be as prescribed in the original Affordable Housing Policy dated 08.2013:

Provided further that, the applications earlier received under the existing policy, shall be dealt as per the parameters existing at the time of making such application. Any colonizer seeking the benefit of this present amendment shall be required to submit fresh application.

4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary as specified in the policy dated 19.08.2013, and as amended from time to time,

  1. the norm of community site as prescribed in the policy dated 08.2013 shall be mandatory for any colony upto 10 acre area;
  2. For colony area beyond 10 acres, additional community sites as provided in the policy dated 08.2013 shall be made mandatory for every incremental 10 acres area (beyond original 10 acres) or part thereof.
  3. Further, community buildings shall be provided as per the norms for Internal Community Buildings as per policy dated 10.2018, where population exceeds 10,000 in a colony. “ 

    3 The clause 4(i)(d) of the Affordable Housing Policy dated 19thAugust, 2013, shall be substituted with the following:-

4(i)(d) Maximum area under Commercial Use :- 8% of Net Planned Area at 175 FAR.

Note : The benefit of increase in commercial component from 4% to 8% may also be availed by an existing coloniser (where license stands granted before the issuance of present instructions), if:

  1. occupation certificate of all the residential towers in the colony has not yet been obtained;
  2. the coloniser submits the consent of atleast two-thirds of the allottees as per the provisions of Section 14 of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016; and,
  3. the coloniser makes an additional payment of 50% of EDC on the additional commercial component, at rates applicable on the date of extending such ”
  4. The clause 4(iii) of the Affordable Housing Policy dated 19thAugust, 2013 related to parking norms shall be substituted with the following:-

“4(iii) Parking Norms:

  1. Mandatory non-chargeable 0.5 ECS parking space
    1. Mandatory parking space at the rate of half Equivalent Car Space (ECS) for each dwelling unit shall be
    2. Only one two-wheeler parking site shall be earmarked for each flat, which shall be allotted only to the flat-owners. The parking bay of two-wheelers shall be 0.8m x 2.5m unless otherwise specified in the zoning
  • The balance available parking space, if any, beyond the allocated two-wheeler parking sites, can be earmarked as free-visitor-car-parking
  1. Optional and chargeable parking space at the rate of 5 ECS per dwelling unit.
    1. The colonizer may provide an additional and optional parking space, maximum to the extent of half Equivalent Car Space (ECS) per dwelling unit
    2. In case such optional parking space is provided by the coloniser; maximum of one car parking space per dwelling unit can be allotted by the coloniser, at a rate not exceeding 5% of the cost of flat to such
  1. Miscellaneous
    1. In cases where licenses under AHP 2013 already stand granted and building plans stand approved without availing the optional 0.5 ECS per dwelling unit parking space, the coloniser shall be required to submit the consent of atleast two thirds of the allottees as per the provisions of Section 14 of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, for the purpose of amendment in building plans for availing such additional and optional 0.5 ECS per dwelling unit parking space. Further, this benefit shall not be available for the projects wherein occupation certificate of all the residential towers has already been
    2. Additional parking norms and parameters, if any, can be specified in the zoning plan.”

These instructions for amendment in the existing policy are issued upon its approval by the Council of Ministers in its meeting held on 23.12.2020 as received vide U.O No. 9/199/2020-2 Cabinet dated 23.12.2020. Concurrence of Finance Department has been received vide U.O. No. 11/158/2019-5FD-III dated 05.07.2020. These amendments shall come into effect from the date of issuance of these instructions.

Sd/- (A.K. Singh) Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana Town and Country Planning Department.

Endst No. PF-27(VOL-III)/2020/2-TCP/42                                                        

Dated 04.01.2021

A copy is forwarded to the Secretary, Council of Ministers, Haryana in reference to his U.O. No. 9/199/2020-2 Cabinet dated 23rd December, 2020 with the information that the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 23.12.2020 on the subject cited above has been implemented.




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